“Untold is an engaging look at the contributions, sacrifices, and involvement of men and women from Northeastern Ontario. It establishes that Northeastern Ontario frequently served as a place important in its own right.” – Michel S. Beaulieu, Professor of History at Lakehead University and co-author of Thunder Bay and the First World War, 1914-1919.
“A fascinating and much-needed story of the contributions of the people of Northeastern Ontario to the First World War, stories which have never before been told in print. Through diaries, letters, and official records, historians Dieter Buse and Graeme Mount have uncovered everything from heroic deeds to desertions. We learn of the realities of war in Europe, internment closer to home, and the commemorations of war afterwards. Bank clerks, forestry workers, and Indigenous trappers (among others) emerge from the pages as real people who played important roles in the Canadian war effort, and whose stories deserve to be better known.” – Kerry Abel, author of Changing Places: History, Community, and Identity in Northeastern Ontario
In this second volume of Untold: Northeastern Ontario’s Military Past, authors Dieter K. Buse and Graeme S. Mount detail the contributions and experiences of men and women from northeastern Ontario who participated in military conflicts. They present, among many topics, the Spanish Civil War, the internment of enemy aliens, prisoner of war camps in northeastern Ontario, and participating in World War II. They show the participation, contributions and sacrifice of men and women in all the services (army, navy and airforce) as Northeasterners fought in all the major conflicts. The Cold War struggles, Korean and Afghanistan wars, as well as peace-keeping, helped shape Northeastern Ontario. Through archival research, military documents, newspapers, diaries and personal letters, the stories reveal the sacrifices and challenges, how military activities and service impacted families and communities in northeastern Ontario.
Available: https://latitude-46-publishing.myshopify.com/